ESCOLA CONCERTADA per la Generalitat de Catalunya
Friday, February 21: 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, February 22: 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Formative and dynamic sessions between marriages, for marriages. Saturdays 1 and 15 February; March 8 and 22. From 5pm to 7.30pm
Build career skills with our online programmes
With a positive outlook on life and attitude of perseverance.
Good citizens contributing to the common good
Apreciation of an individual's spiritual dimension and coherency in their conviction
Honest, sincere and loyal with a sense of justice
To their own family and in the day to day communal living
Apply critical thinking to provide creative solutions to complex problems
Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual stability
Prepared to work as part of team
With initiative and responsibility to address various situations
Comprehend and communicate ideas effectively and multi-lingual
In their final year at school, and amidst a challenging academic year full of exams, 40 senior high school students took advantage of this skiing trip as a moment of disconnection and camaraderie.
The grandparents of Primary Cycle 1 are the protagonists of a new Library initiative to promote reading.
Students and members of ALPI celebrate four years of collaboration with a play that inspires and transforms.
Last Friday, the event gathered family members and classmates to learn about the author's work.
Yesterday, Thursday, December 12th, hundreds of people enjoyed the musical adaptation of "The Strange Case of Mr. Malpàs," performed by the Primary students.
The Family Hiking Group combines nature, tradition, and fellowship in an unforgettable journey through La Mussara Mountain Range, visiting iconic spots and keeping the Christmas spirit alive with a nativity scene at the Avencs de La Febró.