Newsletter School

The 1970s: Consolidation and growth · December 2024

The 1970s marked a key stage in Xaloc's history. They were years of expansion, consolidation and new initiatives that shaped the project we know today. Looking back, we remember with pride those moments that defined our identity and allowed us to grow as a community. We continue to celebrate our past as we move forward into a future full of challenges and opportunities!

A journey through the 1960s: The early years of Xaloc  - November 2024

The early years of Xaloc, in the 1960s, were an adventure we could never have imagined. Since those days, we have travelled a road full of achievements and memories that have led us to who we are today, celebrating our history together and continuing to work towards a future full of opportunities and new experiences!

 60 years of history: the past and present of our school · October 2024

We begin the school year coinciding with Siroco's 60th birthday. This special stage underlines our commitment to quality education and the formation of values in our students. Throughout the school year, we will organize several events to celebrate these six decades of history, strengthening the bond with our educational community.
