ESCOLA CONCERTADA per la Generalitat de Catalunya
Vocational Education students have carried out job interview simulations during these weeks to prepare for their entry into the job market.
We would like to invite you to this year's Avantis Open Day!
It was an amazing experience for those students preparing for the professional world
¡Grandpas go back to school! But this time they are spending some time with our students
In recognition of our generosity and the valuable collaboration of the school in the Christmas campaigns
Our students received their Cambridge certificate from last year's exam
Durante las vacaciones de Navidad tendremos misa en Xaloc en el siguiente horario.
El pesebre ganador ha sido el de la familia Pol Macías, de 1º y 2º de Primaria.
Alumnos del colegio y miembros de la asociación ALPI representaron por segundo año consecutivo una obra de teatro en el polideportivo del colegio.
Compartimos con vosotros un pequeño vídeo para despedirnos y desearos una Santa Navidad y un Feliz y Próspero 2023.
Las familias llenaron otra vez el polideportivo del colegio en un día muy especial.
Éxito en la colaboración de las familias en la campaña de Navidad de recogida de alimentos.
The performance of Xaloc students was extraordinary, and a few of them were awarded in their respective categories
The day was splendid and so the company. About 70 people took part in the activity, including mothers, fathers, girls and boys.