ESCOLA CONCERTADA per la Generalitat de Catalunya
Our students enjoyed a great day full of activities, workshops, adventures and lots of learning experiences
This contest encourages their creativity and initiative in devising and designing innovative proposals that transform reality and generate real impact
Only a few weeks left until the premiere of the play that our students have been prepararing and practicing with the Alpi's girls and boys
His short story "The hundred years of the Bus" won first place in the competition
The 4th grade class had a great time with their fathers and classmates at El Poblado, Torreciudad where they had lots of fun
The Family Excursionist Group did their first trip to the mountains in this 22-23 school year
You still have time to join in one of our after-class activities
Two of our students got excellents marks in the Selectividad Exam
This year it will take place on September 17th at the Torreciudad Sanctuary
Students of the Dual Diploma program receive the same qualification as American students when they finish High School
Bureau Veritas certified that the Management System is properly under current regulations
The school signed last Friday the agreement of the new musical project starting in 1st and 2nd grade of EPRI: the Musical Itinerary.
El 100% de los alumnos han aprobado y hemos obtenido dos menciones especiales.
Acuerdo entre la empresa Grupo Savia y Xaloc para consolidar la Formación Dual.