ESCOLA CONCERTADA per la Generalitat de Catalunya
Els alumnes Àlex Calleja i Javier Iruretagoyena guanyen el Concurs Supertics.
School reunion for the classe of 1984/85
Signat amb l'Ajuntament i Aigües de Barcelona per a la inserció laboral de dones en situació de vulnerabilitat
Primary and ESO students start rehearsing of songs, coreographies... for the Christmas Show
Storytelling activity in Primary as a part of Spanish subject.
Primary students on the first term school trip.
A-Level students visit the Internacional University of Catalonia.
Xaloc participation at Hospitalet Race
2nd ESO students visit La Pedrera. 3rd ESO, the Science Museum in Terrassa.
Xaloc takes parts in these conferences in La Haya.
Xaloc celebrates this traditional feast.
Primary and Secondary students with their Cambridge tests.
Chess activity at lunch time to enjoy and improve learning.
Primary Students go on a field trip in Torreciudad