What is active learning? The profile of the learning community at Xaloc: prepared students for the future world


IB education focuses on this type of learning and on providing opportunities for meaningful participation and action. Placing students at the center of the educational process allows us to better understand their needs. The pupil is the real protagonist

Many times this concept is talked about and sometimes we don't know what it means: active learning. From Xaloc, we want to explain its importance in achieving academic excellence for our students. It is an approach to teaching in which students participate in the learning process through the development of knowledge and understanding. If before the student was a passive entity in class, now they are the center of the classroom: they are the ones who learn and, therefore, they are the ones who actively participate in their own process until they achieve knowledge.

In Xaloc's classrooms, and systematically since we became an IB authorized PYP school in 2021, students immerse themselves in Inquiry Units, which allow them to put new knowledge into practice by connecting it with their prior knowledge. In the First Cycle of Primary Education, our students have become farmers for a few days to better understand the different occupations of the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.

For this purpose, teaching staff has prepared an activity through play: this allows students to enjoy the process of acquiring skills, and they learn without realizing it. Each of our students was milking the cow to extract the milk, transporting it to the factory where yogurt was made, and then taking it to the supermarket. Although it seems like a simple activity, carrying out the real process through play helps them understand the value chain of products, the need for each occupation to obtain the final product, and that, undoubtedly, we are all important, we are all an indispensable part of society.

We encourage you to talk to your children about the profession you perform, and those performed (or performed) by their grandparents and relatives, so they do not forget how important each one is for the future world.

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