ESCOLA CONCERTADA per la Generalitat de Catalunya
In 2nd grade of Primary, teachers wondered how to teach students the differences between ecosystems and which animals inhabit each one. In response to this question, they carried out a transdisciplinary project within the Inquiry Unit: "How the world works: life on planet Earth".
First, students designed different aquatic, terrestrial, amphibious, and aerial animals and molded them with clay. Once finished, they made sketches of the habitats, which they later created with colored cardboard and more clay.
The projects carried out at school not only serve an artistic function but also give students enough time to discuss Inquiry Units, ask questions, and encourage dialogue with the teacher, who teaches them through different creations. For 2nd-grade students, clay is an element that requires a lot of concentration but also entertains them.
The result? An activity with a playful component that generates real knowledge about planet Earth and, moreover, leaves true works of art in the school.
As every year, the school has organized the snack in the dining hall; however, this year the funds will be allocated to a different cause
The library serves as a meeting point between the school and families: literary and scientific activities are carried out thanks to the commitment of parents and grandparents
With Ash Wednesday, a liturgical season of conversion begins, where we prepare our body and spirit to live the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The teaching staff at Xaloc prepares these excursions with great enthusiasm, as they are a perfect opportunity to talk to them in a relaxed environment and to strengthen the relationship between classmates and teachers
They will have to be done online from March 6th until the 20th, in case of Primary, and from March 8th until the 20th in Secondary