Exploring Science Together: PAI 5 and 2nd Grade in the Laboratory


An educational dynamic in the laboratory that allows students to learn, teach, and collaborate through the observation and investigation of the natural environment.

Taking advantage of the fact that 2nd Grade students are working on the unit about living beings, PAI 5 Biology students have prepared a series of activities in the laboratory, where the younger students can observe and investigate the living beings we have at Xaloc. 

Through this initiative, PAI 5 students not only reinforce their scientific knowledge by passing it on to their younger peers, but they also seize this opportunity to complete their Service as Action, actively contributing to the education of the younger students. 

These types of activities are fundamental in the learning process, as they foster teamwork, scientific curiosity, and social responsibility. PAI 5 students develop communication and leadership skills, while 2nd Grade students benefit from a more interactive and engaging learning experience. 

Thanks to experiences like this, the idea is reinforced that learning is not only about receiving information but also about sharing knowledge and making an impact on others. At Xaloc, we continue to promote collaborative learning.