The students of PAI3 enjoy two days of getawaay in El Poblado, Huesca, surrounded by nature and good weather


Accompanied by their teachers, they have been able to practice team sports, organize some routes around the lakes, get to know each other better, and rest at the feet of Our Lady of Torreciudad

Just a few days before some PAI3 students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, the PAI3 students skipped classes for two days and traveled to Huesca with their teachers. Although these gatherings are common in several school years, this year's is special because it also helps them prepare for Confirmation.

Bishop Vilanova was in Xaloc a few days ago to talk with them and gave them catechesis on the sacrament they are about to receive. But, even though not everyone will participate in this ceremony, they have been able to enjoy this trip with the entire class. From kayaks to soccer or ultimate frisbee championships, students have spent time with their peers and also with teachers. In addition, Father Alberto de Ángel has accompanied them and received some training talks.

The three classes visited the Sanctuary of Torreciudad and, at the feet of Our Lady, offered her the course that is about to end.

Good luck with the final stretch!

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