Awards Ceremony for the 2024 Kangaroo Mathematics Competition


As every year, Xaloc participated in the Kangaroo competition: It is a pre-university mathematics competition organized in over 30 countries, with the aim of bringing mathematics closer to young people and trying to spark their interest through problems

On Monday, May 27, the awards for the prestigious Kangaroo Mathematics competition, organized by the Catalan Society of Mathematics, were presented at the Illa Diagonal auditorium. In this edition, nearly 105,000 students from Primary, Secondary, and High School levels participated across Catalonia.

Xaloc had three award-winning students: Yixuan Jin (PAI4 - 3rd ESO), Erik Redondo (4th ESO), and Pol Rengel (2nd Bachillerato), who placed 5th, 4th, and 3rd in their respective courses. The latter two had already been awarded in previous editions. These awards represent our best result in a Kangaroo edition.

In addition to these awards, out of the 325 Xaloc students who participated in the test held on March 19, 50 obtained a score that placed them among the top 10% in all of Catalonia. Of these, 24 ranked among the top 5%. Fourteen students were among the top 2%, and among the top 1%, earning the right to a special diploma, there are six students (including the three award winners).

In summary, very good results that encourage us to continue consolidating our participation in the Kangaroo competition.

Congratulations, guys!

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