The Marian Day for Families in Torreciudad has brought together people from all corners of Spain. Once again, the desire to unite in this Sanctuary has been a revolution


Around three thousand people participated in the 32nd Marian Family Day held in Torreciudad, where the rain forced the events to be held inside the temple. The Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón, Mons. Ángel Pérez Pueyo, presided over the day and defined the family as a space for "loving, forgiving, and serving."

Around three thousand people participated in the 32nd Marian Family Day held in Torreciudad, where the rain forced the events to be held inside the temple. The Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón, Mons. Ángel Pérez Pueyo, presided over the day and defined the family as a space for "loving, forgiving, and serving."

Alongside the choir from Alborada School in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), the mayors of Secastilla, El Grado, Graus, and Estadilla were present, along with councilors and the deputy from the Provincial Council of Huesca, Javier Catalán. From Avantis, Pineda, and Xaloc, we wanted to be part of this special gathering, under the mantle of the Virgin, to offer not only the past school year but also the present one, in which so many challenges and trials invite us to draw closer to Mary, our Mother.

From the Department of Formation, coordinated by Professor José Carlos Amador and under the watchful eye of the Chaplaincy, a cycle of family catechesis has been promoted: each term, mothers, fathers, and students from Avantis, Pineda, and Xaloc gather at the school, where everyone receives formation. These gatherings consist of family games and a catechetical mass that helps us delve deeper into the teachings of the Church.

The offering made to the Virgin of Torreciudad was a collage with images from each of these gatherings during the 2023-24 school year, filled with good family moments, significant learnings, and conversions. It was the families who delivered the poster from these catechesis to the Virgin of Torreciudad.

Additionally, the boys from the Xaloc-Balandrau club offered the Virgin the trophy from the Alpi Solidarity Football Championship, which was won by the Benjamin team.

It was a memorable day that began with the offering to the Virgin, followed by an emotional mass, the family recitation of the Rosary, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Despite the inclement weather, families gathered to eat under the arcades, sharing memories of a year filled with good moments.

For all those who attended the gathering, Pope Francis sent a message, urging them to care for the home as "the first place where each person learns to love and relate to others through the experience of being loved." He also encouraged the gathered families to face "moments of adversity" and asked for their "testimony" to "offer everyone the beauty of faith in Christ."

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