ESCOLA CONCERTADA per la Generalitat de Catalunya
PAI3 students had an enriching experience visiting Món Sant Benet. During the visit, they enjoyed a guided tour of the monastery, immersing themselves in the rich history and architecture of the location. Additionally, they took part in a wonderful cooking workshop where they learned the recipe for the famous mató, a characteristic cheese of the region. This experience not only provided them with cultural and culinary knowledge but also strengthened the sense of community among the students
Training Day at Abat Oliba University: Our Young Talents Develop Argumentative Skills for the Annual Competition
In recognition of our generosity and the valuable collaboration of the school in the Christmas campaigns
Students, teachers, and administrative staff have joined forces to make the Christmas Campaign a hallmark of the school
Check the masses that will be celebrated in Xaloc Oratory during the Christmas holidays
On December 1, 1st grade of high school students attended the IX Edition of the LQDVI Congress, and some of them were volunteers in the organization