PAU 2024 Results: students pass the exam with an average admission score of 7.48 and one student receives honors


These results reflect that all effort and dedication are rewarded: 100% of Xaloc students have passed the PAU. We are very proud of you!

Xaloc is a school that goes against the current: while the average PAU score in Catalonia shows a slight decline, Xaloc students are above it, around 7.17. And all this despite the bittersweet taste left by the mathematics exam for the 34,000 students who took the test.

Furthermore, the average university admission score rises to 7.48 out of 10, placing us above the Catalan average once again. On the other hand, in subjects like Spanish Language, History, Spanish Literature, and Economics, we are one point above the Catalan average. In mathematics, a subject that did not reach a score of 5 in the autonomous community, we are up to half a point above the rest of the students.

We also want to highlight the effort and academic record of Pol Rengel Rabassa, who received honors for scoring over 9 in the University Entrance Exams, a recognition achieved by very few students.

Congratulations to all the students who are starting their university journey. And congratulations also to all those who are continuing their project in Professional Education.

Welcome to Xaloc Alumni!

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