We Received a Very Special Visit: the Reunion Between Lucca and the PAI4 Students


During the Christmas holidays, Lucca Álvarez had an accident that kept him away from school. Now he has been able to come to school, dressed in the Xaloc uniform, to greet all his classmates

Last Friday, we had a very special visit: Lucca Álvarez showed up at school by surprise to greet all his classmates and teachers. After a few months away from the classroom, this visit was a boost of energy for his friends and the school, as well as for Lucca, who showed up in the Xaloc uniform.

Since the accident, he has been hospitalized, and we missed him a lot in the classrooms. As you may remember, at the Solidarity Chocolate Event, we achieved the highest fundraising in history, which was allocated to Lucca and his family's needs. In these small gestures, we can see the spirit of Xaloc: dedication, companionship, and family.

We are especially proud of our students, who since their arrival at Avantis and Xaloc, are welcomed with open arms, as this is their home. A home to build a community and establish lifelong friendships. This was evident in Lucca's class: everyone was excited about the visit, which they had been eagerly anticipating.

Thank you to Lucca and his family for this joy: you are at home!

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