After successfully completing the quarterly exams, the students of the Diploma Program enjoy a trip to Madrid


This trip is not only a recognition for the great work that the students do throughout the course, it is also an opportunity to put into practice everything learned in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

A few years ago, Xaloc decided to implement the International Baccalaureate methodology in all its educational stages. From ages 6 to 18, they offer a methodology marked by enthusiasm and empathy.

Specifically, the Diploma Program is focused on high school students. "The Diploma Program," they explain, "aimed at youth aged 16 to 18, is a rigorous and balanced educational program with final exams that provides excellent preparation for university and adult life. It is designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical dimensions of student well-being."

The trip to Madrid is a great opportunity to value everything learned throughout this program, and the students appreciate the relaxed atmosphere in which they can develop personal and academic dimensions, fundamental pillars of Xaloc.

Thank you, dear students, for your involvement and for making this trip so easy! And thanks also to David Peñalver, for his photos of these days in Madrid, which we will cherish with special affection.

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