Authors in School: at Xaloc, we commit to quality Literary Education


Throughout the year, three authors have come to Xaloc to talk about the novels that the PAI students have read, allowing them to learn about the creative and editorial process behind having a book in their hands

Last week, the writer Gloria Sabaté, author of La marca del Lleó, visited. This is the book that the PAI3 children have been reading. Additionally, a few months ago, Lluís Prats came to discuss his novel Hachiko. El gos que esperava with the PAI2 students, a story filled with tenderness that moves everyone who reads it because it narrates the intense relationship that forms between a dog and its owner, a university professor.


Xavier Gual also visited the school to tell the 4th-year ESO students how he wrote his novel Atrapats, the story of young people who get trapped in their school one night during heavy snowfall. Mystery, terror, and friendship are the pillars of this teenage novel.


The students have been able to ask the writers about the creative process, where inspiration comes from, and what has driven them to write these stories, among other questions.


Thank you, dear authors, for your dedication and for teaching the students about the exciting world of young adult literature!

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