Celebration of the award ceremony of the XXXVIII Literary Contest of Xaloc: "Dear me" has been this year's topic


Students from 4th year of ESO, 1st and 2nd year of Baccalaureate participate in the contest that was inaugurated in 1986. Around the Day of Sant Jordi, the school welcomes the awardees and their families, in a ceremony full of poems and music

Although the award was born in May 1986 dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Literary Contest of Xaloc is now celebrated around the Book Day, to highlight the importance of literature and culture in the school environment.

It was Professor Martín Curiel who started this contest, with a competition of poems dedicated to Our Mother. Years later it would be dedicated to family and grandparents, and it was then that it took a slight turn and evolved into what it is today: a contest of varied themes, but always in Spanish and Catalan, for all students of 4th year of ESO, 1st and 2nd year of Baccalaureate.

On April 22nd, the awards ceremony of the XXXVIII edition was celebrated, whose theme was "Dear me", and the usual gala was followed. After the introduction and presentation of the guest, Anna Ramió Jofre —nurse (1977), bachelor's Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1997). PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona (2005)—, Professor Laura Babot, head of the Catalan Department, presented the winners of the Catalan poems. During the intermission, a musical piece was played. Then, the Spanish teacher, Sergio Román, awarded the winners in Spanish and another musical piece was played. The prizes for the posters and the aforementioned musician were also awarded.

The guest at the event said a few words and our director, Ricardo Benito, closed the event. There was a reception for the awardees and their families, who attended the ceremony and enjoyed the winning poems.

Personalities such as Ana María Matute, Joan Perucho, and Guillem Pérez Quer have participated in this contest. The Xaloc school and its students have great affection for this contest, which is capable of bringing out the poetry within us all.

The winners of this XXXVIII Literary Contest have been:

· Winning poster: Jun Jun Villegas Rivera

· Musician: Pol Rengel Rabassa

· Winners of 4th year of ESO in Catalan Poetry

i) Third Prize: Marcos López Pérez

ii) Second Prize: Carlos Franco Durán

iii) First Prize: Santiago Victoria Soriano

· Winners of 1st year of Baccalaureate in Catalan Poetry

i) Third Prize: David Madueño Landh

ii) Second Prize: Yao Jiang

iii) First Prize: David Peñalver Cardona

· Winners of 2nd year of Baccalaureate in Catalan Poetry

i) Third Prize: Álvaro Juárez Juan

ii) Second Prize: Isaac de la Torre García

iii) First Prize: Daniel Sabat Renedo

· Winners of 4th year of ESO in Spanish Poetry

i) Third Prize: Leonardo Sun

ii) Second Prize: Jun Jun Villegas Rivera

iii) First Prize: Èrik Redondo Castellà

· Winners of 1st year of Baccalaureate in Spanish Poetry

i) Third Prize: Gerard Baldé Casas

ii) Second Prize: Hugo Franganillo de la Herrán

iii) First Prize: Pol Taboada Viñals

· Winners of 2nd year of Baccalaureate in Spanish Poetry

i) Third Prize: Raúl Carballas Gómez

ii) Second Prize: Xavier Mañá Fortes

iii) First Prize: Marc Gil Rosinach

Congratulations to all!

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