Solidarity Activities

Since its beginnings, Xaloc has been a school of solidarity. It was founded in the 1960s in one of the suburbs of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona to provide education, mainly, for the children of working class families. Today, Xaloc aims, on the one hand, to maintain the spirit of solidarity of its origins and, on the other hand, to instill social sensitivity to its students.


General solidarity activities of the school:

● As Christmas approaches, the school promotes a collection of basic foodstuffs for the parish of Bellvitge, which is carried out in parallel with a collection of sweets for Caritas and baby milk and nappies for the NGO Maternity.

● One day in December, the school organises a food distribution in the Raval neighbourhood of Barcelona, in which first year international baccalaureate students can participate.

● During the month of December, students who participate in the theatre extracurricular activity perform a Christmas play together with ALPI students as part of the APS Project. They also make a video that is shown during the Setmana de la Solidaritat in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.

● In mid-February, the "Xocolatada solidària" is held, an initiative that aims to raise funds for child cancer research at Sant Joan de Déu. Each year a donation that entitles participants to hot chocolate with "melindros" is agreed on.

● For the Spring Festival for the elderly organised by Caritas, the students in the sixth year of primary school and first year of ESO make bookmarks and poems that are given to Caritas and are part of the gift bags that each elderly person receives.

● On April 23rd, Sant George’s Day, a play is performed at the school together with ALPI and roses are sold to benefit the organisation.


We also develop projects to involve the whole educational community. We have carried out the project "Bicicletas solidarias'' (Friendly bikes) and we are immersed in an activity to activate the grandfathers and grandmothers of our students in the project "Abuelos, volved al colegio" (Grandparents, come back to school).


Solidarity activities by year group:

● Second year of primary school. Project "Atzucac!" (Zugzwang!), an audiovisual space that aims to help children discover their inner world through their own language.

● Third and fourth year of primary school. Activity “En marxa!” (Let's get moving!), an approach to the values of volunteering to apply them in the family and school environment.

● Sixth year of primary school. Workshop “Posa’t les piles” (Get your act together) on people's rights and the role of empathy.

● Second year of ESO. Workshop “L’aventura d’envellir” (The adventure of growing old), showing different realities of the elderly in our family and in our society.

● Third year of ESO. Workshop “Compartint el viatge” (Sharing the journey), which aims to show the meaning of being a migrant, the burden that this label entails and to provide arguments to overcome xenophobia and racism. These students also share a day with people over 20 years old with intellectual disabilities in the ALPI association.

● Fourth year of ESO. Activity “Nous horitzons per al voluntariat” (New horizons for volunteering), which helps to differentiate between being a volunteer and having goodwill. This activity features the presence of people who talk in first person about their experience in social volunteering. These same students, within the framework of the Community Service, can take advantage of the collaboration agreement that the school has signed with Nou Quitxalles, Fundació La Vinya and the ALPI association to learn about the activities that these associations carry out and collaborate with them.

● First year of Baccalaureate. The NGO Maternity, which helps women without resources, gives a talk about its activities.

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